Sunday, April 7, 2024

11 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools to Support Effective Teaching and Leadership

It goes without saying that AI is a hot topic of conversation in education circles and beyond. In the beginning, I was a skeptic myself, but now I use it to support my professional work, especially when I coach leaders. While there are legitimate concerns and anything generated by AI needs to be fully vetted, the most profound benefit is how it can save educators precious time.  Teachers can use it to help design lessons, build assessments, unpack standards, personalize, scaffold questions, develop hooks, provide relevant connections, and so many more possibilities.  Leaders can use certain AI tools to streamline communication, personalize feedback, provide targeted support to staff, find peer-reviewed research in a snap, and aid in other leadership tasks. 

Here are some of the most popular tools being used at this moment:

  • Magic School - Get help with lesson planning, differentiation, writing assessments, and so much more. Click on the “magic tools” tab at the top of the page to see all of the options available to teachers.   
  • School AI - Know what students need, when they need it and deliver it with AI support. The company behind this tool is extremely committed to data privacy. 
  • QuestionWell - Generate an endless supply of questions so you can work smarter, not harder.
  • Gradescope -Seamlessly administer and grade all of your assessments, whether online or in class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how your students are doing.
  • Parlay - Facilitate meaningful, measurable, and inclusive class discussions.
  • Diffit - This is a great tool for differentiation. It allows teachers to get “just right” instructional materials, saving tons of time and helping all students access grade-level content. 
  • Chat GBT – A chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue. It can respond to any prompt, such as unpacking a standard into scaffolded questions or differentiating aligned tasks. I recently used it when working with a fourth-grade teacher to create a song on long division as part of a review activity. Users who have the paid version can create elaborate images. 
  • Gemini – A chatbot from Google that is very similar to Chat GBT. The free version allows for the creation of pictures that do not contain people. 
  • Brisk Teaching – A Google Chrome extension that helps busy teachers save time in the tools they already use, like Google Classroom, Docs, Slides, YouTube, and online articles. In seconds, teachers can create unlimited instructional materials, give feedback, evaluate student writing, and level or translate texts - all without needing to switch between apps. 
  • Ideogram – A free image creation tool. Create picture prompts for worksheets and writing tasks. During coaching sessions, I have helped elementary teachers create images for sight words.
  • Copilot (free, but need a Microsoft login) – Very similar to Chat GBT and Gemini. 

Another tool that I have begun to explore is Leap. It can convert my blog posts to podcasts that sound very professional. When I listened to the first recording, I was amazed.  Stay tuned as I launch my podcast later this year. 

AI can be an invaluable timesaver for all educators. However, it is important to note that it cannot facilitate lessons and feedback conversations.  It is a tool to support effective practices, not drive or replace the work of educators. The real power behind AI is the people who use it strategically to work smarter, not harder. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

AI in the Classroom: A Teacher's Toolkit for Transformation

The landscape of education is constantly evolving, and artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool for educators. While it won't replace the irreplaceable human touch in the classroom, AI can significantly enhance teaching and learning by offering personalization, efficiency, and insightful data analysis. Below are some ways educators can leverage AI to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment while also getting professional learning support from Five Star Technology Solutions.

Personalized Learning Pathways

Imagine a classroom where each student receives instruction tailored to their specific needs. AI-powered platforms can analyze student data, including test scores, past performance, and learning styles. This allows educators to curate individualized learning pathways, suggest resources, adapt difficulty levels, and provide targeted feedback. Students who grasp a concept quickly can move on to more challenging material, while those needing extra support can receive targeted practice and additional explanations. To learn more, take a look at this blog post I wrote on the topic. 

Grading and Feedback Systems

AI-driven grading systems can automate the process of assessing short answer questions, multiple-choice tests, and written assignments, freeing up valuable teacher time for more in-depth feedback and one-on-one interaction with students.

Data-Enhanced Instruction

AI can help educators analyze vast amounts of data related to student performance, class trends, and curriculum effectiveness. Educators can make data-enhanced decisions about instructional strategies, pedagogical approaches, resource allocation, and intervention plans by identifying patterns and pinpointing areas of difficulty. This allows for a more proactive approach to addressing student needs and ensuring all learners are on track for success.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

AI tools like text-to-speech and speech-to-text can create a more inclusive learning environment for students with disabilities. AI-powered captioning can make direct instruction and video content accessible to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, while language translation tools can support English language learners.

Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences

AI can be used to create interactive learning activities and simulations that make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for students. Gamification elements can motivate students and foster a sense of healthy competition. Additionally, AI-powered simulations can provide students with real-world experiences and allow them to practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a safe environment.

Professional learning support can help teachers maximize AI in the classroom and beyond. Five Star is offering some fabulous workshops on the topic. You can learn more about their programs HERE

While AI offers numerous benefits, it's crucial to remember that it is a tool to empower educators, not replace them. The human connection between teacher and student remains central to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and social-emotional development. The role of teachers will shift towards becoming facilitators, curators, and mentors who guide students through personalized learning journeys. By harnessing the power of AI, educators can create dynamic and effective classrooms that cater to each student's individual needs. This paves the way for a more engaging and enriching learning experience that empowers students to thrive.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Cultivating Lifelong Learners: How to Support Personalized Teacher Growth

Imagine a classroom buzzing with engaged students, actively constructing knowledge and diving deep into topics that spark their curiosity. This vibrant learning environment does not just happen by chance. It thrives under the guidance of a passionate, skilled educator who is constantly evolving alongside their students. However, like their students, teachers need personalized growth opportunities to stay engaged, motivated, and effective.

Teachers are the backbone of any thriving learning environment. Nevertheless, just like their students, educators thrive in personalized learning experiences. In a world of standardized tests and rigid curricula, fostering a culture of continuous, personalized growth for teachers allows them to stay abreast of current trends and effective strategies, maximize time, and become the best iteration of themselves for the learners they serve. 

Here is how educational leaders can champion personalized professional learning  for their teachers:

Needs Assessment: Start with the Individual

One-size-fits-all professional development (PD) is a recipe for disengagement. PD is typically done to teachers something other than what they actively want to be a part of or crave. A shift to personalized professional learning can change this dynamic. Effective leaders begin by understanding each teacher's unique needs and aspirations. Conduct individual needs assessments through surveys, goal-setting conversations, or classroom observations. This allows you to tailor professional learning opportunities that address specific skill gaps, teaching styles, and career goals (Guskey, 2000).

Embrace Choice and Variety

Move away from the traditional "sit-and-get" PD model. Offer teachers a diverse menu of learning opportunities. This could include workshops on specific instructional strategies, online courses on emerging educational technologies, or peer coaching programs that foster collaboration. Allow teachers to choose formats and topics that resonate with their individual learning preferences and goals (Desimone, 2009).

Leverage Technology for Flexibility

Technology can be a powerful tool for personalized learning. Online courses and learning modules allow educators to access content at their own pace and on their own schedules. Additionally, micro-learning opportunities through bite-sized videos, podcasts, or webinars that cater to busy schedules and allow for focused learning on specific topics should be considered (Moeller & Allen, 2017).

Empower Teacher Leadership

Teachers are a wealth of knowledge and experience. Empower them by creating opportunities for leadership within the professional development framework. Encourage them to lead workshops, share best practices with colleagues, or mentor other teachers in specific areas of expertise. This fosters a culture of collaboration, validates teachers' expertise, and fuels their intrinsic motivation to learn and grow.

Celebrate Growth and Achievement

Recognition is a powerful motivator. Regularly acknowledge and celebrate teachers' professional growth milestones. Highlight innovative practices implemented in the classroom or successful application of newly acquired skills. This public recognition reinforces the importance of continuous learning and inspires others to embark on their own personalized growth journeys.

Prioritize Reflection and Feedback

Growth does not happen in a vacuum. Create a safe space for teachers to reflect on their learning experiences. Host post-workshop discussions, provide feedback mechanisms, or encourage using professional learning communities (PLCs) where teachers can share successes, challenges, and best practices.

Invest in Teacher Wellbeing

Teacher stress and burnout are real challenges. Supporting personalized growth extends beyond professional development. Promote a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible schedules, stress management workshops, or on-site wellness programs. A well-rested and supported teacher is more receptive to learning and innovation.

By embracing these strategies, educational leaders can move away from a one-size-fits-all approach and create a continuous, personalized growth culture for their teachers. This fosters a more engaged, motivated, and ultimately, more effective teaching staff – a win-win for educators, students, and the entire learning community. Always keep in mind that the key to success with any form of professional learning is that it is part of a job-embedded and ongoing model.

Efficacy should be the goal of all professional learning. Learn more about how Aspire Change EDU helps districts, schools, and organizations personalize professional learning HERE.

Desimone, L. C. (2009). Improving teacher quality in an era of educational reform. Educational Researcher, 38(8), 649-664.

Guskey, T. R. (2000). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Moeller, S. C., & Allen, J. (2017). Microlearning for professional development: A systematic review. TechTrends, 61(3), 286-293.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

11 Ideas for Primary Math Stations

A few weeks back, I shared ideas on ELA stations for primary students after this was brought up during a coaching cycle with one of my schools.  Upon reflection, I decided to do the same with math. 

Creating math stations for primary students can be a fun and effective way to introduce them to basic math concepts through hands-on activities. These stations can help develop their understanding of numbers, shapes, patterns, and measurements in an interactive and engaging manner. 

Here are some ideas for math stations suitable for students in PreK – 1st grade:

Counting: Practice counting and number recognition by having students use items like beads, blocks, or buttons for children to count. Include number cards so they match the quantity to the correct number.

Shape Sorting: Provide a variety of geometric shapes in different colors and sizes to identify and sort. Have children sort them by shape, size, or color into designated bins or onto labeled mats.

Pattern Making: Recognize and create patterns where students use colored beads, blocks, or stickers to create simple patterns. Encourage children to continue the patterns or create their own.

Measurement: Explore concepts of size and measurement by offering various items to measure with non-standard units, such as paper clips, blocks, or hands. Include activities like comparing the height of plants or the length of objects.

Simple Addition and Subtraction: Introduce essential addition and subtraction using visual aids like number lines, counting bears, or finger puppets to help children understand adding and taking away.

Number Writing: Practice writing numbers by providing dotted numbers for tracing, blank paper for free writing, and activities that involve writing numbers related to counting objects.

Math Storybooks: Combine literacy with math by selecting storybooks incorporating math concepts (e.g., counting, shapes). After reading, children can engage in related math activities or crafts.

Geometry Block Building: Understand spatial relationships and geometry by offering blocks of different shapes and sizes for accessible building. Challenge students with specific building tasks that require using certain shapes.

Graphing: Introduce data collection and representation by using simple graphing activities, such as graphing favorite fruits or the color of socks children are wearing. Provide stickers or stamps for children to fill in their answers on a chart.

Time Telling: Familiarize students with time using teaching clocks to show different times. Include puzzles that match times to daily activities (e.g., lunchtime, nap time).

Technology: This is a great way to integrate tech purposefully and acquire data using adaptive tools when appropriate. Use tablets or computers with ed-tech tools focused on math concepts, such as counting, simple addition/subtraction, measurement, shape sorting/identification, and patterns. 

Each station can be adjusted to match the children's developmental level. It should be supervised to ensure that students grasp the concepts and to provide help as needed. Rotating the stations every few weeks can keep the activities fresh and engaging for the students. As with all station tasks, ensure that a sound pedagogical design is in place and that there is a targeted instruction or support rotation.